Life has been hard lately.
I'm not complaining. There are folks out there carrying crosses a lot heavier than mine. Nothing lasts forever. Things will change. Life is about change. We move from one season of life into another, always moving.
We all know how life can change on a dime: an accident, a death, a diagnosis, a divorce.
But our comfort comes in knowing God never changes.
He stays the same.
No matter what.
Some days it's that thought alone that gets me through.
A friend sent me an email and put it this way:
"Remember, you are on a path with God. We walk it. We take short cuts. We get lost. We get side tracked. We walk the straight and narrow. We swerve. Whatever, He's right there with us."
That's it in a nutshell for me.
Even as I strive to follow in Jesus' footsteps I fail miserably some days.
He's no less with me those days than when I'm on the right track.
He didn't say He's with me only when I make the best decisions or do the noble thing, or say the right words.
He said He's with me always.
No matter what happens, I can rely on Him.
"I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:20
Monday, October 1, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Found Time
Today I spent the afternoon at a funeral with a friend.
I only met the deceased one time a couple years back.
I still cried.
About the moment I started to feel dumb about that, I heard a close friend's voice in my head telling me that he loves how much I love people...
I didn't waste the time feeling dumb.
Funerals are good things to go to every now and then.
Have you ever noticed it's the one event in our lives where we put down everything, no matter what?
I only met the deceased one time a couple years back.
I still cried.
About the moment I started to feel dumb about that, I heard a close friend's voice in my head telling me that he loves how much I love people...
I didn't waste the time feeling dumb.
Funerals are good things to go to every now and then.
Have you ever noticed it's the one event in our lives where we put down everything, no matter what?
All the daily stuff that we deem so important is so easily put aside when someone dies. Whether it's someone close or just an acquaintance.
Time stops - we linger to fellowship.
I can't think of any other event that can do that.
At my house we call that "found time".
It's time we weren't planning on having.
Time well spent investing in relationships and remembering that our time is limited.
Time stops - we linger to fellowship.
I can't think of any other event that can do that.
At my house we call that "found time".
It's time we weren't planning on having.
Time well spent investing in relationships and remembering that our time is limited.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
FINALLY! I'm on campus. :o)
I've been knocking out Gen Ed classes online to save gas and time, but this semester I desperately needed a change, so I decided to take a Major class on campus and have some fun.
That was the best decision I could have made.
I was so nervous, I tossed it - twice - before leaving for campus. I haven't done that in years.
I've been knocking out Gen Ed classes online to save gas and time, but this semester I desperately needed a change, so I decided to take a Major class on campus and have some fun.
That was the best decision I could have made.
I was so nervous, I tossed it - twice - before leaving for campus. I haven't done that in years.
The day was incredible - I am still giddy with the excitement of it all.
It's nerve-wracking being my age in a class of much younger people.
But my first class today went really well.
At one point I sat there mentally pinching myself because this was school - it was official "business"... and we were talking about cartoons!
I was feeling guilty - like I was wasting time, then I thought Wait - this is what I'm supposed to be doing!
Too good to be true.
I was feeling guilty - like I was wasting time, then I thought Wait - this is what I'm supposed to be doing!
Too good to be true.
I can't put it to words.
I walked to Admin and the whole time I was thinking "I . LOVE. THIS. PLACE. I belong here" - just reveling in it and praising God.
I've done my stint in the secular university system.
The contrast here is incredible.
I've done my stint in the secular university system.
The contrast here is incredible.
Not only am I understood as an artist, but as a CHRISTIAN artist. They speak my language.
The issue I was most anxious about, I was able to convey because I felt safe enough to.
I left feeling empowered.
I am so in my element. :o)
Friday, August 10, 2007
Building Hope 3
After church Sunday, some of the guys and I took a ride through the 9th district to see and understand some of the devastation. It was surreal. The worst part is it's two years later...
We saw where the levy was breached... it takes on new meaning when you can actually see how close those houses stand to it. I can't fathom how those people must have panicked when they realized the wall erected to protect them had failed. The impressions floating around in my head are unruly at best: Water lines on buildings. Spray painted X's on houses. Empty businesses. A strip mall with the front walls missing - inventory where it fell off shelves... a row of shopping carts right where they belong. The smell as we walked closer for pictures... A boarded up fire station. A boarded up US Post Office.
The remnants of a boat in a ditch along the road side.
"Katrina you win." spray-painted on a home.
Chain link fencing. Everywhere. Around FEMA trailer parks.
Around parking lots (so no one dumps there). Around boarded up schools and businesses. (Perhaps it's to keep the homeless out of gutted, moldy buildings. I didn't ask.)
The rest of the world has moved on while St. Bernard Parish is still dealing with Katrina's effects. When faced with tragedy, there is a point when it becomes unhealthy to dwell on what has happened. We need to move forward, lest our perspective becomes narrowed through hyper-focusing on the negative. But as we drove around and viewed devastation after devastation after devastation, I could certainly understand how hopelessness and despair could settle here.
Every corner bears a reminder of some sort. After a week of driving to and from the work site, we never got used to what we were seeing.
I made it my mission to look for signs of hope:
A crucifix attached to a telephone pole.
Spray painted on the fronts of houses:
"We will rebuild."
"We will be back."
An American flag hanging from the window of a demolished home.
The people who stopped at the work site to thank us for what we were doing.
The family who came to the clothing drive armed with what they had to donate - then "shopped" for themselves.
Flowers planted around the front steps of a FEMA trailer.
A Dominos Pizza operating from a trailer.
Flowers planted around the base of trees lining Judge Perez Blvd.
I want to come home and convey to everyone what we experienced here. But at the same time, I feel a strong urge to guard it to my heart.... instead of emptying myself of its impact by sharing it, I feel compelled to protect it and allow it to stoke my remembrance and spur me to continued action.
I feel as though I am cheapening their experience by attempting to condense it to mere words. I have the ability to turn to other subjects and clear my head of the sadness when it threatens to overwhelm me. What would I do if there were no escape?
I've heard many comments about the wisdom of these people choosing to stay in the area, most very negative.
My answer is this:
It is not our job to judge or question or make sense their reasons for wanting to stay and re-build.
It isn't about us.
God sent us to serve.
In whatever capacity we are able.
P.S. I'm still having pictures developed...more to be added. Stay tuned.
Building Hope 2
We arrived in Chalmette last Saturday afternoon, and the closer we got, the more signs of Katrina were visible. I spotted a make-shift outdoor church ( a large car-port type awning with chairs) with a big sign that read "GOD IS HERE".
The hope in that sign made me cry.
There are no street signs in Chalmette. There are make-shift cardboard signs nailed to telephone poles.
Driving to Hopeview we had to navigate through a neighborhood. Many front yards held FEMA trailers. Most of the neighborhood was deserted. But the thing that struck me the hardest was the juxtaposition of new, renovated houses with gutted, vine-infested ones. On the same street they were co-mingled as if that were perfectly normal. And the consensus between us was that we were seeing the difference between those who had the means and resources to re-build and those who didn't.
It humbled me because if it came to my neighborhood - my family would probably fall into the category of those who don't.
Sunday morning we met for church in Chalmette High School's gym. Our four groups (who had come to work) comprised most of the congregation. There were about 20 other people who made up the pastoral staff, the choir, and the rest of the congregation... There was one visitor who lived locally. Two Chalmette churches were represented: St. Bernard Southern Baptist Church and First Baptist Church Chalmette. The pastor from each church spoke a short message - they're sharing church.
The offering plate was a hard-hat.
I had the opportunity to pray with a couple during the service. I hugged her and whispered in her ear, "You are not alone, and you are not forgotten." That must have been what she needed to hear, because she held me tight and sobbed. And I sobbed just as hard right along with her. It is frustrating when you feel you can't do more. I don't know her name, but I won't forget her face. Her husband looked at me and said "We're holding on. It's all we can do. The Lord is good. Don't forget us."
There were very few times I encountered local residents in our stay. But when asked what we could do for them, all of them answered the same way: "Don't forget us."
I won't be able to.
The hope in that sign made me cry.
There are no street signs in Chalmette. There are make-shift cardboard signs nailed to telephone poles.
Driving to Hopeview we had to navigate through a neighborhood. Many front yards held FEMA trailers. Most of the neighborhood was deserted. But the thing that struck me the hardest was the juxtaposition of new, renovated houses with gutted, vine-infested ones. On the same street they were co-mingled as if that were perfectly normal. And the consensus between us was that we were seeing the difference between those who had the means and resources to re-build and those who didn't.
It humbled me because if it came to my neighborhood - my family would probably fall into the category of those who don't.
Sunday morning we met for church in Chalmette High School's gym. Our four groups (who had come to work) comprised most of the congregation. There were about 20 other people who made up the pastoral staff, the choir, and the rest of the congregation... There was one visitor who lived locally. Two Chalmette churches were represented: St. Bernard Southern Baptist Church and First Baptist Church Chalmette. The pastor from each church spoke a short message - they're sharing church.
The offering plate was a hard-hat.
I had the opportunity to pray with a couple during the service. I hugged her and whispered in her ear, "You are not alone, and you are not forgotten." That must have been what she needed to hear, because she held me tight and sobbed. And I sobbed just as hard right along with her. It is frustrating when you feel you can't do more. I don't know her name, but I won't forget her face. Her husband looked at me and said "We're holding on. It's all we can do. The Lord is good. Don't forget us."
There were very few times I encountered local residents in our stay. But when asked what we could do for them, all of them answered the same way: "Don't forget us."
I won't be able to.

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Building Hope 1
"''Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty." Zech 4:6
Joanna and I are in Chalmette, Louisiana.
We are with one of four church groups serving with Builders For Christ to re-build First Baptist Church Chalmette, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
The week can be summed up into three words: Work. Eat. Sleep.
The project is behind schedule (our schedule, not God's), so many of us aren't doing the work we came prepared to do. It's all about flexibility... I came to hang drywall and I'm framing walls instead.
Most of us are housed at Hopeview - a church building renovated into a volunteer center.
The schedule is pretty straight-forward. We meet downstairs around 6:00 AM and leave for the site about 6:30. We work until 9:00, then head back to Hopeview for breakfast, work until 1:00, head back for lunch and a devotional, work until 6:00, then go back for dinner. The heat has been intense, so we've knocked off early at 4:30 the past couple days to give everyone relief.
Joanna is helping with the kitchen crew because she isn't old enough to be on the site. The food is awesome...big hearty meals - and I don't have to cook them. :o)
I expected to loose a little weight this week, but I don't think it's happening.
It isn't just about the work. We've developed many new relationships and had the opportunity to encourage each other beyond the work we're doing here. We are together all the time - so we have become close pretty quickly. The absence of routine life "stuff" has been nice, too.
Our group is from the Peninsula and two of the other groups are from Norfolk and Chesapeake, so a few of us plan to stay in touch when we leave here.
The work here is very satisfying. It feels good to work hard, sweat hard, and to have something substantial to show for it at the end of the day.
I used to work for my dad in construction and I missed it - but I didn't realize how much I miss it. I love to build. (Yes, Scott, I really love it.)
The thing that has impacted us most of all, is the state of this area and its people. That is a whole different subject...
P.S. Today I dodged a bullet, for real. A stray nail from the nail gun I was using ricocheted off my hand and whizzed past a couple unsuspecting heads as it sailed about 15 feet out the door. I felt it, too. I was sort of afraid to take off my glove. When I did, there was a small dot where the nail had broken skin. That's all. We drew an arrow to the hole in my glove and wrote "God was here" as a reminder.
It's bruised, but I'm not complaining. :o)
That's the second time He's taken a nail in the hand for me...
Joanna and I are in Chalmette, Louisiana.
We are with one of four church groups serving with Builders For Christ to re-build First Baptist Church Chalmette, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
The week can be summed up into three words: Work. Eat. Sleep.
The project is behind schedule (our schedule, not God's), so many of us aren't doing the work we came prepared to do. It's all about flexibility... I came to hang drywall and I'm framing walls instead.
Most of us are housed at Hopeview - a church building renovated into a volunteer center.
The schedule is pretty straight-forward. We meet downstairs around 6:00 AM and leave for the site about 6:30. We work until 9:00, then head back to Hopeview for breakfast, work until 1:00, head back for lunch and a devotional, work until 6:00, then go back for dinner. The heat has been intense, so we've knocked off early at 4:30 the past couple days to give everyone relief.
Joanna is helping with the kitchen crew because she isn't old enough to be on the site. The food is awesome...big hearty meals - and I don't have to cook them. :o)
I expected to loose a little weight this week, but I don't think it's happening.
It isn't just about the work. We've developed many new relationships and had the opportunity to encourage each other beyond the work we're doing here. We are together all the time - so we have become close pretty quickly. The absence of routine life "stuff" has been nice, too.
Our group is from the Peninsula and two of the other groups are from Norfolk and Chesapeake, so a few of us plan to stay in touch when we leave here.
The work here is very satisfying. It feels good to work hard, sweat hard, and to have something substantial to show for it at the end of the day.
I used to work for my dad in construction and I missed it - but I didn't realize how much I miss it. I love to build. (Yes, Scott, I really love it.)
The thing that has impacted us most of all, is the state of this area and its people. That is a whole different subject...
P.S. Today I dodged a bullet, for real. A stray nail from the nail gun I was using ricocheted off my hand and whizzed past a couple unsuspecting heads as it sailed about 15 feet out the door. I felt it, too. I was sort of afraid to take off my glove. When I did, there was a small dot where the nail had broken skin. That's all. We drew an arrow to the hole in my glove and wrote "God was here" as a reminder.
It's bruised, but I'm not complaining. :o)
That's the second time He's taken a nail in the hand for me...
Monday, August 6, 2007
Back to China

Joanna and I had to say good-bye to Yvonne early and it was so difficult to do! (Jo and I are in Louisiana... more on that later)
Yvonne flew out of Norfolk Airport this morning.
I woke her up as I left at 2:45 Friday morning and she begged me to stay. This child is so precious. She is VERY hungry for the things of God! The talks she and Joanna had made my heart dance. [Especially the confirmation that Joanna actually HAS been listening all this time. What an evangelist!]
We finally located a Chinese Baptist church - a half mile from our home!. My DH, Jay, brought her to meet the pastor yesterday and he gave her her own bible (in Chinese) and some other things to read. Jay said she read them every moment she got.
Please pray for Yvonne's faith. She is "ripe for the picking" and there are many religions in China that will vy for her attention. Pray the Lord woos her parents as well. They have emailed us, and have nothing but wonderful things to say about her experience here. We are praying that the door to this family remains open!!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
I'd like you to meet God...
Every summer my daughter, Joanna, and her girlfriends have Fun Fridays - each week the girls do something fun together at one house or another. This week the girls wanted to see "Evan Almighty" in the theater, and they made their plans especially to include Yvonne.
I admit - I stressed a bit about their movie choice. Plugged In gave it a positive nod overall, but noted a few scriptural glitches that could be confusing. I wasn't sure it was such a good idea for her to see that movie. I prayed on and off today, and felt the Lord telling me to relax, and reminding me about the conversations the girls can have sometimes, and how God could use them to witness to Yvonne just through being who they are.
In the van Yvonne asked what the movie was about. So all of us, talking at once, told her about the story of Noah and the ark, the flood and the animals. She had heard the story before, and we explained that this movie was using that story in the present day, sort of a "what if?". The girls joked about Morgan Freeman playing God.
Then she looked at me and asked, "Who is God?"
Now, we only live about four miles from the theater... not enough time to get into deep conversation.
I'm shell-shocked, trying to think of the best way to explain, not wanting to mess this up!
I told her that it was kinda complicated and we'd talk about it later.
My DH pipes up and says, "It's not complicated at all. Before the earth and the sun, moon, stars and planets there was God. And He made it all...." Nine year old Lynne chimes in, "He made us, too!" From that point on, everyone was adding their two cents to the story of creation.
Yvonne smiled and said "I understand. God is everywhere." The girls encouraged her some more and chattered the rest of the ride.
I sat there and could feel God whispering in my ear, "See? Not so hard."
Simple. A story. Child-like.
The movie was really funny. I really cringed only once at a politically correct representation of scripture, but overall it was really good.
Most important is the door of conversation that has swung wide. I know these girls - this isn't the end of the discussion. :o)
I admit - I stressed a bit about their movie choice. Plugged In gave it a positive nod overall, but noted a few scriptural glitches that could be confusing. I wasn't sure it was such a good idea for her to see that movie. I prayed on and off today, and felt the Lord telling me to relax, and reminding me about the conversations the girls can have sometimes, and how God could use them to witness to Yvonne just through being who they are.
In the van Yvonne asked what the movie was about. So all of us, talking at once, told her about the story of Noah and the ark, the flood and the animals. She had heard the story before, and we explained that this movie was using that story in the present day, sort of a "what if?". The girls joked about Morgan Freeman playing God.
Then she looked at me and asked, "Who is God?"
Now, we only live about four miles from the theater... not enough time to get into deep conversation.
I'm shell-shocked, trying to think of the best way to explain, not wanting to mess this up!
I told her that it was kinda complicated and we'd talk about it later.
My DH pipes up and says, "It's not complicated at all. Before the earth and the sun, moon, stars and planets there was God. And He made it all...." Nine year old Lynne chimes in, "He made us, too!" From that point on, everyone was adding their two cents to the story of creation.
Yvonne smiled and said "I understand. God is everywhere." The girls encouraged her some more and chattered the rest of the ride.
I sat there and could feel God whispering in my ear, "See? Not so hard."
Simple. A story. Child-like.
The movie was really funny. I really cringed only once at a politically correct representation of scripture, but overall it was really good.
Most important is the door of conversation that has swung wide. I know these girls - this isn't the end of the discussion. :o)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
East Meets West

Her parents sent her here with a program to help her learn American culture and practice her English in an immersion setting.
She chose Yvonne for her English name. Her English is very good, and she is coming out of her shell and talking more and more as she feels more comfortable with us.
Each morning at 9:00 we drop her off at school and pick her up at 5:00.
Last night, her homework was to interview our family about our Christmas customs.
It isn't as easy to explain to an outsider as we think it would be.
And it certainly didn't sound like much just ticking off our yearly itinerary.
As I attempted to explain that Christmas means more to us than just presents, family and food, it sounded hollow in my own ears.
For fun, we dragged out our video from last Christmas, so she could see our tree and our family enjoying each other.
But what really sets Christmas apart in our hearts is not on the video.
No pictures of our nightly devotions around the advent candles at the dinner table.
No pictures of us reading Luke's account of Jesus' birth before bed.
No pictures of our reflection on our priorities or our constant discussions about commercialism and "cultural" Christianity versus "authentic" Christianity.
I looked at my DH, and he looked at me.
How DO you explain Christmas to someone who has only a vague (and inaccurate) understanding of Christianity?
We have no idea what Yvonne thinks she knows about our culture. Her parents are members of the Communist Party. This is her first experience out of China, and we might just be the first Jesus she sees up close.
It humbles me to think of the incredible responsibility we have toward this sweet spirit.
I firmly believe that God knows who we are (flaws and all) and placed her in our home with a purpose in mind.
Please pray for our family as we rise to this challenge.
Monday, July 9, 2007
O me of little faith...
I am floored and humbled.
A scholarship was offered through our church.
There were 6 students chosen, and I was one of them.
I'm still pinching myself.
They were to choose the recipients by July 1, and I hadn't heard a thing.
I was thinking I had totally missed God, and I was questioning why in the world I was stressing so much to raise tuition and compete with teenagers, etc. etc.
I told my DH I should just save my money and put that time and energy toward working on my art.
After months and months of hoop-jumping and essay-writing to apply for long shots, I thought this was my chance at actually getting a break.
I wasn't just a no-name 40-something reaching for a pie in the sky - these people know me!
I guess I had subconsciously put out a fleece - thinking if I got the scholarship, then I would know I was still on the right track.
If I didn't, I would stop trying so hard for awhile and see where God led.
So - when I thought I didn't get it, I was crushed.
Discouraged doesn't begin to describe how I felt.
Disillusioned would be a better fit.
Then - yesterday my bulletin was in my way during the service and
when I went to move it my name caught my eye.
I was one of the six.
I quietly showed my DH and my sister (who was visiting from out-of-state) and I didn't hear any more of the sermon after that.
There it was in black and white.
I had to keep reading it to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
In that moment, I repented for doubting God.
Even if I hadn't gotten the scholarship, I wasn't trusting Him to understand my heart.
I let disappointment distract me from what I have experienced to be true.
God has my back.
He didn't call me just to turn His back and let me fail.
He has a vested interest in this journey.
My going back to school was His idea, not mine.
The cherry on top? My sister wrote my letter of recommendation for the scholarship and she was here to share in the excitement of my award.
Above and beyond.
That's His way.
I am still so far from where I would like to be!
I wish I could say that it was a momentary lapse in judgment. Unfortunately, I fall into this trap quite often. Fear wraps its tentacles around my heart and I panic, doubting everything I know to be true.
I am constantly going to the throne begging Him, "Heal my unbelief!"
A scholarship was offered through our church.
There were 6 students chosen, and I was one of them.
I'm still pinching myself.
They were to choose the recipients by July 1, and I hadn't heard a thing.
I was thinking I had totally missed God, and I was questioning why in the world I was stressing so much to raise tuition and compete with teenagers, etc. etc.
I told my DH I should just save my money and put that time and energy toward working on my art.
After months and months of hoop-jumping and essay-writing to apply for long shots, I thought this was my chance at actually getting a break.
I wasn't just a no-name 40-something reaching for a pie in the sky - these people know me!
I guess I had subconsciously put out a fleece - thinking if I got the scholarship, then I would know I was still on the right track.
If I didn't, I would stop trying so hard for awhile and see where God led.
So - when I thought I didn't get it, I was crushed.
Discouraged doesn't begin to describe how I felt.
Disillusioned would be a better fit.
Then - yesterday my bulletin was in my way during the service and
when I went to move it my name caught my eye.
I was one of the six.
I quietly showed my DH and my sister (who was visiting from out-of-state) and I didn't hear any more of the sermon after that.
There it was in black and white.
I had to keep reading it to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
In that moment, I repented for doubting God.
Even if I hadn't gotten the scholarship, I wasn't trusting Him to understand my heart.
I let disappointment distract me from what I have experienced to be true.
God has my back.
He didn't call me just to turn His back and let me fail.
He has a vested interest in this journey.
My going back to school was His idea, not mine.
The cherry on top? My sister wrote my letter of recommendation for the scholarship and she was here to share in the excitement of my award.
Above and beyond.
That's His way.
I am still so far from where I would like to be!
I wish I could say that it was a momentary lapse in judgment. Unfortunately, I fall into this trap quite often. Fear wraps its tentacles around my heart and I panic, doubting everything I know to be true.
I am constantly going to the throne begging Him, "Heal my unbelief!"
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Worldview Art - Need Help!
I just finished reading “Do Fish Know They’re Wet?” by Tom Neven for the third time.
I am currently working on an art challenge - the subject is "Symbols of Our Culture".
I am trying to think of a way to depict the damage that is part of our culture as a result of the varying worldviews in our country. Signs of the times, I guess, is what I'm aiming for... but as this project evolves, that will probably narrow. (Much like Kyle's research topic...)
It is an art quilt so I have use of more depth than more traditional two-dimensional media.
There's no cash prize associated with this challenge.
Its purpose is to spur us to keep moving forward artistically.
But, IMHO, there is a bigger "prize" at stake... The souls of countless artists out there who hold every different skew of the truth imaginable.
I'm known for using words in my art & this is the list I've come up with so far (like, the last 30 seconds)- I was thinking effects of popular worldviews:
This is only in its infant stages... so any insight, idea or direction is appreciated! It'll be interesting to see which way this takes off.
I am currently working on an art challenge - the subject is "Symbols of Our Culture".
I am trying to think of a way to depict the damage that is part of our culture as a result of the varying worldviews in our country. Signs of the times, I guess, is what I'm aiming for... but as this project evolves, that will probably narrow. (Much like Kyle's research topic...)
It is an art quilt so I have use of more depth than more traditional two-dimensional media.
There's no cash prize associated with this challenge.
Its purpose is to spur us to keep moving forward artistically.
But, IMHO, there is a bigger "prize" at stake... The souls of countless artists out there who hold every different skew of the truth imaginable.
I'm known for using words in my art & this is the list I've come up with so far (like, the last 30 seconds)- I was thinking effects of popular worldviews:
This is only in its infant stages... so any insight, idea or direction is appreciated! It'll be interesting to see which way this takes off.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Change is Good
My 25th high school reunion is this summer, and my DH and I have been reminiscing about this and that. "You haven't changed a bit!" is usually what everyone hopes to hear.
I don't.
I saw an old friend at Christmas time.
She went on and on about how much I had changed. And I had.
I don't look much different than I did then.
My personality hadn't changed,either, but my inner workings had had an overhaul of healing and freedom I didn't know existed back in high school.
I'm me - only better at being me.
I silently thanked God that the change in me was visible.
But as she rambled from one subject to the next, I realized I couldn't say the same about her.
Outwardly she had changed quite a bit, but inwardly she seemed to be carrying the same baggage and holding on to the same stuff she was focused on when we were kids.
She was stuck in high school, and it saddened me.
Today I received an email from another high school friend.
If I hadn't known who sent the email, I am absolutely certain I could have guessed.
I barely survived high school. This guy always had a way of making me feel better about myself - he was a bright spot in what was a horrible time for me. And I'm grateful I have the chance to thank him now. He's still the same guy, but I can tell he's not entirely the guy I remember.
He grew up.
I pray that no one ever has cause to tell me I haven't changed a bit.
I want to continue to grow and continue to heal into everything God has for me.
I don't ever want to settle for good enough.
Jesus didn't come for me to have "good enough".
I want every mark on his body to count.
I want everything he died for me to have.
I don't.
I saw an old friend at Christmas time.
She went on and on about how much I had changed. And I had.
I don't look much different than I did then.
My personality hadn't changed,either, but my inner workings had had an overhaul of healing and freedom I didn't know existed back in high school.
I'm me - only better at being me.
I silently thanked God that the change in me was visible.
But as she rambled from one subject to the next, I realized I couldn't say the same about her.
Outwardly she had changed quite a bit, but inwardly she seemed to be carrying the same baggage and holding on to the same stuff she was focused on when we were kids.
She was stuck in high school, and it saddened me.
Today I received an email from another high school friend.
If I hadn't known who sent the email, I am absolutely certain I could have guessed.
I barely survived high school. This guy always had a way of making me feel better about myself - he was a bright spot in what was a horrible time for me. And I'm grateful I have the chance to thank him now. He's still the same guy, but I can tell he's not entirely the guy I remember.
He grew up.
I pray that no one ever has cause to tell me I haven't changed a bit.
I want to continue to grow and continue to heal into everything God has for me.
I don't ever want to settle for good enough.
Jesus didn't come for me to have "good enough".
I want every mark on his body to count.
I want everything he died for me to have.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Wake-up Call
Two days ago, I received the results from some blood work I had done.
After lots of symptoms and no answers, it was finally confirmed that I have rheumatoid arthritis.
Finally knowing what is going on was an answer to prayer.
That doesn't mean I am happy about it....
I was feeling a wee bit "poor-me" when I received my issue of Voice of the Martyrs magazine.
My monthly reality check in the mail.... :o)
I didn't even have to open it to feel the impact of its presence in my kitchen.
I did an about face.
I haven't even had a chance to sit and read through it, yet.
But I know I will be inspired and humbled by what I read.
Those brothers and sisters expose us for the spiritual wimps we are in this country.
After lots of symptoms and no answers, it was finally confirmed that I have rheumatoid arthritis.
Finally knowing what is going on was an answer to prayer.
That doesn't mean I am happy about it....
I was feeling a wee bit "poor-me" when I received my issue of Voice of the Martyrs magazine.
My monthly reality check in the mail.... :o)
I didn't even have to open it to feel the impact of its presence in my kitchen.
I did an about face.
I haven't even had a chance to sit and read through it, yet.
But I know I will be inspired and humbled by what I read.
Those brothers and sisters expose us for the spiritual wimps we are in this country.
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