Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, May 18, 2007

Wake-up Call

Two days ago, I received the results from some blood work I had done.
After lots of symptoms and no answers, it was finally confirmed that I have rheumatoid arthritis.
Finally knowing what is going on was an answer to prayer.
That doesn't mean I am happy about it....

I was feeling a wee bit "poor-me" when I received my issue of Voice of the Martyrs magazine.
My monthly reality check in the mail.... :o)
I didn't even have to open it to feel the impact of its presence in my kitchen.
I did an about face.

I haven't even had a chance to sit and read through it, yet.
But I know I will be inspired and humbled by what I read.
Those brothers and sisters expose us for the spiritual wimps we are in this country.

1 comment:

Kyle Graham said...

Sometimes we all need those reminders to reacquaint us with reality...

Welcome to the blogs; I look forward to more of your posts :)

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