The other day, my eyes landed on Isaiah 45:3-4
"I will give you the treasures of darkness
And hidden riches of secret places,
That you may know that I, the Lord, am God..."
I'm having a hard time putting to words what went through my head when I saw that. It wasn't thought... it was sight. I saw it differently.
God was giving me a deeper perspective.... when it's dark, not to despair, but to look for the treasures.
I saw movie the other day about a treasure hunt, and that came to mind.
The treasure isn't out in the open... it's always hidden in some dark place no one would ever think to look.
I'm going through some rough waters... sometimes it feels so dark I feel like I'm drowning. I felt the Lord telling me not to focus on the dark and miss the hidden treasure.
Then He took it a step further.
I was reading a devotional, and in today's prayer it said, "Find scattered, terrified lambs where no one thought to look before."
They are "treasures of darkness" and "hidden riches"!
When we're in the light all of the time, how can we find these hidden treasures?
It's only when we venture into the dark places that we can find the true treasures... it's in the dark places that we find the lost lambs and it's in the dark places that we usually seek the treasure of His face.
The enemy puts up DANGER , WARNING, SCARY DARK PLACES signs to psych us out.
"I don't wanna go in way!"
But God says we don't need to fear the dark! The enemy is bluffing!
Because he knows what's hidden in the dark... treasures.
Human treasures that he wants to keep there.
Experiences that drive us into the Lord's arms.
My fav Lamentations verse says... "IT DOES NOT CONSUME US!"
Why? Because His mercies DO NOT FAIL.
Even in the dark.